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RESTful System


RESTful v1 VS v2

RESTful v1 (Current)

The current RESTful v1 system integrates seamlessly with native Models methods, offering an efficient and intuitive experience. The methods include with, withFirst, find, findFirst, count, average, sum, maximum, minimum, save, create, and update. This setup ensures a balance between ease of use and performance through the following features:

  • Lazy Loading and Eager Loading: We employ lazy loading for records, complemented by eager loading for relationships, optimizing data retrieval without compromising on performance.
  • Fully Constructed Responses: The objects and lists retrieved are complete with meta-data and merged relationships, simplifying consumption and return processes.

RESTful v2 Enhancements (Planned)

Looking ahead, the upcoming RESTful v2 system aims to elevate flexibility and performance:

  • QueryBuilder Integration: v2 will leverage a query builder mechanism, enhancing the adaptability of data handling and retrieval.
  • Optimized Data Structure: The relationships and meta-data will be segregated from the main dataset. This strategic separation is aimed at boosting processing speed and reducing the payload size, thereby optimizing overall performance.

Stay tuned for the upcoming launch of the RESTful v2 system, set to redefine data management efficiency in Zemit.

Default RESTful Parameters

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Behavior
limit Absolute Integer 10 Limit records to retrieve
offset Absolute Integer null Starting position
order String null Fields to order by
group String null Fields to group by
distinct String null Fields to select distinct
search String null Match on search fields
filters Object null Build the query conditions
fields Array null List of fields to retrieve
lifetime Absolute Integer null Lifetime to cache the query result

Fields Parameters

Parameter Type Default Behavior
exposeFields Array null Fields to expose
filterFields Array null Fields to filter
searchFields Array null Fields to search
saveFields Array null Fields to save
createFields Array null Fields to create
updateFields Array null Fields to update
mapFields Array null Fields mapping

Default RESTful Methods

The default RESTful actions provide comprehensive coverage for most data handling needs in an application:

Request Path Action Behavior
GET /:controller/get/:id getAction() Retrieve a single record
GET, POST /:controller/find findAction() Retrieve a list of record
GET, POST /:controller/distinct distinctAction() Retrieve a distinct list of value
GET, POST /:controller/export exportAction() Export a list of record
GET, POST /:controller/new newAction() Prepare a new record object
GET, POST /:controller/create createAction() Validate and create records
/:controller/update updateAction() Validate and update records
/:controller/save saveAction() Validate and save records
GET, POST /:controller/count countAction() Count the records
GET, POST /:controller/sum sumAction() Calculate the sum
GET, POST /:controller/average averageAction() Calculate the average
GET, POST /:controller/maximum maximumAction() Retrieve the maximum
GET, POST /:controller/minimum minimumAction() Retrieve the minimum
GET, POST /:controller/reorder reorderAction() Re-order a list of record
/:controller/delete deleteAction() Delete records
GET, POST /:controller/restore restoreAction() Restore soft-deleted records

Forwards: indexAction()

Zemit's RESTful System provides a standardized approach to handling HTTP requests and mapping them to specific actions within controllers. This system ensures efficient and logical routing for CRUD operations and other RESTful interactions.

Forwarded Actions Based on Request Method

Each HTTP request method is intelligently mapped to a corresponding controller action, streamlining request handling. The table below outlines these mappings (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE):

Request Path Action Forward to
GET /:controller/ indexAction() findAction()
GET /:controller/:id indexAction() getAction()
POST /:controller/:id indexAction() saveAction()
PUT /:controller/:id indexAction() saveAction()
PATCH /:controller/:id indexAction() updateAction()
DELETE /:controller/:id indexAction() deleteAction()

Average: averageAction()

Calculates and returns the average of a specified field.

Count: countAction()

Counts the number of records that meet the specified criteria.

Delete: deleteAction()

Permanently removes specified records.

Distinct: distinctAction()

Retrieves a distinct list of values based on a specified field.

Export: exportAction()

Exports a list of records in a specified format.

Find: findAction()

Retrieves a list of records based on query parameters.

FindFirst findFirstAction()

Fetches the first record that matches the specified criteria.

Maximum: maximumAction()

Finds the maximum value of a specified field.

Minimum: minimumAction()

Determines the minimum value of a specified field.

New: newAction()

Prepares and returns a new record object.

Reorder: reorderAction()

Adjusts the order of a list of records.

Restore: restoreAction()

Restores soft-deleted records.

Save: saveAction()

Validates and saves records, creating or updating them as necessary.

Sum: sumAction()

Calculates the sum of a specified field across records.