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This class provides utilities for managing environment variables and loading .env files.

It allows for easy access to environment variables and provides methods for setting and getting values. It also initializes a Dotenv instance and loads .env files based on specified configurations.

  • Full name: \Zemit\Support\Env



Represents the instance of the Dotenv class.

public static ?\Dotenv\Dotenv $dotenv

The Dotenv class is responsible for loading environment variables from the ".env" file into the application.

  • This property is static.


Represents an array of variables.

public static array $vars

The $vars variable is used to store a collection of key-value pairs, where each key represents a variable name and the corresponding value represents the value of that variable.

  • This property is static.


Holds the value of the paths.

public static string[]|string|null $paths

This variable represents the value of the paths and is initially set to null. It can be assigned a different value during the runtime of the program.

  • This property is static.


Represents the array of filenames.

public static string[]|string|null $names

The $names variable is an array that holds the filenames of the ".env" file(s) to be loaded. This variable is used as an argument in the Dotenv class to specify the filenames to load.

  • This property is static.


Represents the type of data being declared.

public static string $type

The $type variable is a string that indicates the mutability of the data. It can have two possible values: "mutable" or "immutable".

  • This property is static.


Represents a boolean flag that enables short-circuiting in the code.

public static bool $shortCircuit

When the $shortCircuit variable is set to true, it indicates that the code should perform short-circuit evaluation. Short-circuit evaluation allows skipping the evaluation of subsequent conditions in a logical expression if the final result can be determined early.

  • This property is static.


Represents the encoding of the file.

public static string|null $fileEncoding

The $fileEncoding variable is used to store the encoding of the file that will be processed by the application. It is initially set to null and will be updated with the actual encoding value during the file processing.

  • This property is static.



Initializes the Dotenv instance with the specified configurations and returns the loaded instance.

public static load(string|array|null $paths = null, string|array|null $names = null, bool|null $shortCircuit = true, string|null $fileEncoding = null, string|null $type = null): \Dotenv\Dotenv
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$paths **string array
$names **string array
$shortCircuit **bool null**
$fileEncoding **string null**
$type **string null**

Return Value:

The loaded Dotenv instance.


Retrieves an array of paths.

public static getPaths(): string|string[]|null

If the paths array is not yet created, it will be loaded and returned.

  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The array of paths.


Sets the paths for the application. If no paths are provided, the paths will be set to null.

public static setPaths(string|string[]|null $paths = null): void
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$paths **string string[]


Get .env file names

public static getNames(): string|string[]|null
  • This method is static.


Sets the names array. If the specified array is null, the existing names array will be cleared.

public static setNames(string|string[]|null $names): void
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$names **string string[]


Retrieves the type of the instance. If the type is not set, it will default to 'mutable'.

public static getType(): string

The type is then transformed into a camel case string and the first letter is capitalized.

  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The type of the instance.



Sets the type of the object. If the type is not provided or is not one of the allowed types, the type will be set to 'mutable' by default.

public static setType(string|null $type = null): void
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$type **string null**


Retrieves the short circuit value. If the short circuit value is not yet set, it will return the default value.

public static getShortCircuit(): bool
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The short circuit value.


Sets the value of the shortCircuit property.

public static setShortCircuit(bool $shortCircuit = true): void
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$shortCircuit bool The new value for the shortCircuit property.


Retrieves the file encoding. If the encoding is not yet set, it will return null.

public static getFileEncoding(): ?string
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The file encoding.


Sets the file encoding for the env file. If no file encoding is specified, the default encoding will be used.

public static setFileEncoding(string|null $fileEncoding = null): void
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$fileEncoding **string null**


Retrieves the Dotenv instance. If the instance is not yet created, it will be loaded and returned.

public static getDotenv(): \Dotenv\Dotenv
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The Dotenv instance.


Gets the value of an environment variable. Pass the $default for fallback value.

public static get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$key string Key to get
$default mixed Value to fallback if the key can't be found

Return Value:

Return the environment variable value or the default value


Set an environment variable

public static set(string $key, mixed $value): void
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$key string Key to set
$value mixed Value to set