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This class extends the TransformerAbstract class and implements the InjectionAwareInterface.

It also uses the InjectableTrait.

Inherited methods


Returns the Dependency Injection (DI) container used by this object.

public getDI(): \Phalcon\Di\DiInterface

Return Value:

The DI container instance.


Sets the dependency injection container.

public setDI(\Phalcon\Di\DiInterface $container): void


Parameter Type Description
$container \Phalcon\Di\DiInterface The dependency injection container.


Checks if a property is set.

public __isset(string $name): bool


Parameter Type Description
$name string The name of the property to check.

Return Value:

True if the property is set, false otherwise.


Magic method __get.

public __get(string $name): mixed

Retrieves the value of a non-existent or inaccessible property.


Parameter Type Description
$name string The name of the property.

Return Value:

The value of the property if it exists, or null if the property is undefined.